End cap lindab | smoke EPFSS Dimensions 1 l 2 3 Ød 4 5 Description End cap, which fits outside a Safe fitting. The product is CE marked according to EN 12101-7 and used in a circular smoke control system - single compart- ment (see declaration of performance). Ød l m 6 nom mm kg 100 * 48 0,11 112 ** 48 0,10 7 125 * 48 0,14 8 140 48 0,16 150 48 0,14 160 * 48 0,17 9 180 48 0,24 200 * 46 0,21 224 46 0,35 250 * 68 0,50 10 280 ** 60 0,61 300 60 0,63 315 * 60 0,67 11 355 60 0,84 400 * 91 1,17 450 ** 80 1,48 12 500 ** 80 1,81 560 ** 80 2,14 600 ** 80 2,37 13 630 ** 80 2,54 710 ** 100 3,00 14 800 ** 100 3,54 900 ** 100 6,10 1000 ** 100 7,30 15 Ordering example Product Dimension Ød EPFSS 250 * With turned-over edge ** Hand made 16 17 18 We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice 89
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